Student Fundraising

My Gift in Support of a Year 13 Student's Fiji Mission Trip 
Gifts to individual students are not tax deductible.
All transactions in Australian Dollars. 


All funds raised (including those over an individual student’s fundraising target) will be used to meet the overall costs of the Year 13 program.

Payment Details

My Contact Details 

Your donation receipt will be sent to this address.

Only click the 'Donate' button once, or your transaction may be processed multiple times.

Statement confirming Year 13’s compliance with ACNC External Conduct Standards (ECS)

 Youthworks is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). The ACNC requires Youthworks to comply with four External Conduct Standards (ECS) when working overseas.

The ECS relate to:
1.     Activities and control of resources
2.     Annual review of overseas activities and record-keeping
3.     Anti-fraud and anti-corruption
4.     Protection of vulnerable individuals.

Each year, Youthworks Year 13 students go on short-term mission to Fiji as part of their gap year program. All Year 13 activities in Fiji are planned, monitored and assessed in compliance with these standards.

At all times Youthworks ensures that appropriate standards of behaviour, safety, financial control, risk mitigation and oversight are being upheld, to protect Year 13 students and achieve successful program outcomes. Detailed plans and procedures are issued to all Fiji mission participants in advance of the mission trip and a full report is produced for the Youthworks Council after every trip.

Parishes and individuals who support Year 13 students undertaking the Fiji mission are covered by Youthworks’ compliance and are not required to apply for additional ECS to cover this activity.